Talent-oriented HR

People are at their best, learn the fastest, and feel more engaged and eager to take action when their work is in line with their drives, talents, cognitive capabilities, and competencies.

TMA, the Talent Method, takes a ‘full service’ approach to all aspects of your organization. It is used for issues related to selection, development, mobility, career choice, reintegration, and talent management. Integrate talent management in the HR and decision-making processes to achieve faster results.

Talent-focused organization

In talent-focused organizations, HR sees people as unique individuals with their own combination of talents and capacities. They prioritize continuous development and growth and do not assess performance based on predetermined goals.

Shape strategic decision-making, process design, HR management, and personal talent development based on the available talent information with TMA, the Talent Method, and unlock your people’s full potential.

In a talent-focused organization, people feel seen and valued, have better chances of professional growth, and are more content with their jobs. We promote a culture of continuous learning and development, and this leads to more than mere financial rewards.


If you want to select people for a role, training or position, you need to know in advance what cognitive capabilities, skills, drives and talents they possess. You also need to make sure that the candidate fits in well your organization’s values and culture.

Use our online selection assessments as a tool to get insights into the employability and development potential of the candidates and applicants. Our dashboards and reports demonstrate the matching rate between candidates, the job, and the work environment.

TMA, the Talent Method, offers a set of tools for a more objective and validated selection process: TMA Talent Assessment, Cognitive Capability Assessments, and interview questions.

This approach guarantees multiple benefits:

  • Enhanced performance

  • Increased self-confidence

  • Reduced stress and burnout

  • Greater satisfaction and engagement

  • Increased retention

  • Appealing employers to potential employees

Values and rewards

Organizational dynamics revolve around what everyone ‘may’ do, ‘can’ do, and ‘wants’ to do. To clarify these three aspects, you need to understand not only what work your employees perform but also examine what talents and problem-solving skills they have to accomplish their tasks.

This way, your employees will be aware of your expectations, and feedback and assessment will become more transparent and comprehensive. Maximize your people’s potential by adding Styr to the TMA Method and get a validated profile in just four clicks.

A 'Validated Profile’ is a description of the expected behavior, problem-solving skills, and the required talents and competencies. These profiles are ‘validated’ by the Styr model and TMA Behavior Model in three simple steps. As a result, you get an instantly validated profile that clarifies talent and development paths.


People and organization development

Employee development is decisive for your organization’s success. If your organization wants to grow, you need people willing to grow with it and utilize their strengths. For that, your employees need to know their talents, share them with each other, and reach an understanding. That leads to better teamwork, job satisfaction, and clear role division. Regular feedback ensures a strong team that keeps growing together.

Our module ‘Personal Development’ aims to give all your employees basic insights into their unique talents and their development. It is comprehensive to all and has simple functionalities. 

The digital TMA Environment for employees is easily linked to the central system of the teammanger or HR department. Thus, your teams will have more understanding and efficiently divide workload based on teammates’ talents and competencies. The result? Agile teams that quickly and smoothly adapt to the changing circumstances.

TMA Competency Library

TMA Competencies: A free competency library containing 53 competencies for non-commercial use within your organization.

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Understanding the entire TMA philosophy and overseeing all the possibilities of talent-oriented work can be overwhelming. Therefore, we would like to provide more information about our modules without obligation.

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